Sunday, March 7, 2010

Two Months

Vivian is now Two Months!  I can’t believe the time has gone by so quickly!


She is such a sweet little baby, it is so fun to have her as part of our family.  She is very smiley and talkative as well. 

2-25-2010 013      

Every night at about the time when I’m getting ready for bed and starting my blah, blah blah, pillow-talk with Jared, she joins in and starts talking up a storm so then I end up not talking as much as I use to because I want to listen to her!  I’m thinking she spent nine months stuck in my belly listening to me talking at night and finally gets to join in and wants to have her say as well.   It is so funny to hear her talking I had to make a video of it.

Just so that I can remember little details about her this month I’m putting them in here. 


Vivian is now 10 lbs 13 oz and 22.5” which places her in the 50th percentile for both weight and height. She is on target with her smile and a little advanced with her social skills because of her “talking” or so the doctor says at this point.


Vivian is a really good sleeper (so far) and makes it possible for us to sleep from about 11 pm until 4 or 6 in the morning depending on the day.  She’s been doing this since about four or five weeks so I feel really blessed that I’m more of a normal person than I was the first go-around.  She has mostly just fallen asleep when she’s tired but I’m working on getting her into a more regular nap routine as she is having a harder time falling (and staying) asleep thanks to a very fun big brother who is always checking on her.



Vivian doesn’t mind tummy time so much as some babies do and has actually stayed on her tummy for up to 20 minutes at a time.  She really likes to bat at things  and is always reaching for the fish on her swing’s mobile, so I’m hoping to get her a play gym before too long so that she can start having fun on the floor more (and maybe learn to entertain herself a little more).  She still likes her bouncy seat though she seems to like her swing a little better now that she likes her mobile.



She still seems to have quite a strong startle reflex which has freaked me out at least once a day as she’ll just be sitting there happy as can be and then suddenly she’ll burst into tears.  I don’t really remember if Christian did this or not (since at first he cried so much or at least it seemed that way to me) but it does make me worry about her.  Most of the time she’s happy and chill so it seems out of character for her to be upset (unless she gets her shots or something which made her totally sad for the remainder of the day.


Christian is really still quite in love with her though it would be nice if he gave her a little more space at times but we’re working on that.  He has shown some regression by talking “baby-talk” but I’m not sure if it’s just him playing around or not because he’s heard other kids talk this way when I’ve asked him what he’s saying he stops.  He is the best little helper with her if I ask him to do anything he’s quick to do it because he wants her to know he loves her.  He still is praying for her to grow and begs to “baby-sit” her (which is what he calls letting her be in his room in her bouncy chair so she can watch him play).  She likes him a lot and is quite distracted by him and his jumping around the room like a tornado.  He’s greeting for her is “Hi Baby! I love you and I think you’re cute!”  He always is telling us how cute she is and if we tell him he’s cute too or he was a cute baby (since they look so similar) he gets annoyed because he wants her to be the cutest.  So funny….most kids want to be the cutest themselves.


Vivian seems to really L-O-V-E Jared which is really sweet.  If he’s in the room and talking she always tries to look at him.  She and he play this cute game where he makes a face and she tries to imitate him (if I try this with her she gets bored with me quickly). Pretty much she is daddy’s little girl which I find adorable.

For me she is nice and cuddly and loves for me to just sit and hold her.  She also will fall asleep while I simply hold her which is really nice. I really enjoy having her sweet little spirit in our home which is quite calming and peaceful.  Her name “Vivian” means “alive or lively” but sometimes I think “Peace” might have been more appropriate for her personality.


  1. I loved her talking! So cute! She'll be a talker. :)

  2. So sweet! I think she's a bit more advance than Kate possibly in the tummy time and playing department, she's just barely started trying to bat at things since turning 3 months. Kate loves to join our conversations too. :}
