Friday, March 12, 2010

Considerate Big Brother

Last night I was awakened by a little voice whispering quietly "Mommy, I'm scared." I realized it was Christian as I became alert and said "Oh honey do you want to be held?" as I reached out to pull him up into my arms. "No. I want to be cuddled!" He said as he burst into tears. Then he told me about his nightmare of mice crawling all over him and trying to eat him. Yuck! I tried to calm his fears by telling him that real mice are quite afraid of humans so if you smell like human they probably won't come near you. I told him unless he took a cheese bath or a peanut butter bath he didn't have to worry about mice coming near him. He laughed at that and suggested a jelly bath. Then we both laughed about how sticky that would make you so everything would stick to you. Then I asked him if he had cried in his room and I didn't hear him. He told me that he didn't want to wake the baby or scare her so he was as quiet as he could be. What a sweetheart! I am so proud of him for worrying more about the baby than his own fears. Even though he was scared he put the babies needs before his own. Even if it was just a little thing I think it shows some real maturity!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone


  1. That does show a lot of maturity! I laughed about the jelly bath, too. LOL!

  2. That is sooo sweet! What a darling! I'm such a Mom, this made me all choked up!
