Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I’m a Princess…that’s why!

This past month Vivian has exhibited her diva-type personality more and more…along with her gigantic love of baby dolls and pretty much all things girly.  We’d been taking her in for various tests for about two weeks to see why she hasn’t gained weight lately.  I felt so sorry for her that I broke down and gave her another princess doll…the pink one is what she picked out.  Go figure. Here she is with her art kit and her entourage in the middle of the floor. IMG_1596

One night she was so tired that she fell asleep on our bed during prayers.  So sweet….nothing is cuter than a sleeping baby is there?


And this gorgeous get-up is part of our daily detail… IMG_1620IMG_1629

Now this next photo illustrates how I wake up every morning…as you can tell, I’m not yet conscious.  Otherwise this photo would not have been taken.  And yes, Vivian keeps all these dolls in bed with her and brings them into our bed along with a Sippy cup of water (not shown) when she gets up for the day.  Her blanket is usually here to but I think it was a warmer night so she didn’t bring it in with her to wake me.  Speaking of what Vivian sleeps with, there is something pretty hilarious about her bedtime routine as of the last couple of weeks and that is that she wants to wear a “princess crown” to bed every night and screams incessantly until it is placed on her brow before we turn out the lights.  I guess there could be worse things…right?


This next photo is from a couple of Sunday’s ago while we were all relaxing in the loft and Vivian left for a minute and came back garbed in Jared’s socks.  Silly girl.002

The next photo is poor quality because I couldn’t get my camera to work right with the light, but I had to document the incredible MESS that Vivian and Christian made with some colorful bubbles that Christian got for his birthday.  Luckily, they are washable…though honestly a pain to get out. Vivian was the one really enjoying the mess and Christian was so upset about it that he ran upstairs to get clean without any prompting.


Needless to say, I was not exactly thrilled to clean this all up!  Oh and in case you were wondering, yes, the tub was bright blue!

I am so loving this stage my baby girl is at.  There is something so fun about two-year-olds….especially when they are not screaming and throwing a fit.  It makes the calm times just that much sweeter.  I’m so thankful that I have her to be my little munchkin.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when Kate falls asleep in the middle of something! Nothing is sweeter that those sweet sleeping faces! How cute that Vivian fell asleep during the prayer!
