Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hanging Out At Grandma and Grandpa’s


Tuesday night as we packed up our house to leave the next morning, my sister Julie and her husband were sweet enough to come over and help us box up the remainder of our apartment.  They left their little girl with my mom and dad where Christian was staying as well.  He was so happy to have his cousin with him.  When we finally finished packing and got back to my mom’s for the night this is the scene that was being played out.  It was very sweet!

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New book…Christian wanted to see better!




Saying goodbye to Lily for a while!


Thank you Julie and Jake for all of your help!  I couldn’t have done it without you!!!

1 comment:

  1. These are so cute! I need copies!

    Tee hee, I love how in one picture Lilly's pants dramatically change. . . Marking the point when Jake changed her diaper.
