Sunday, January 31, 2010

One Month Old

I can’t believe that Vivian is already one month old!  The time has gone so fast.  It has really been interesting having another baby with a totally different personality.   She is so calm!  I totally amazed.  I did read once that girls have a lower pain tolerance and I’m wondering if it is true because she hardly ever screams she just whines a little when she’s uncomfortable.  It’s really nice.  She’s also started smiling for us this week which is honestly thrilling!  It’s such a nice reward for all of the lack of sleep when you get a smile when you’re baby decides to look at you.  I really like having a baby around.  I guess I never realized how much I liked having a baby since each age with Christian has been fun.  But it really is nice to have a sweet little baby to hold and sing to again.


Here’s a picture of her darling grin!


Here’s her happy to just be a baby look!


I’m so grateful that she’s here and she’s been a wonderful baby…so far.


  1. What a sweet baby! I bet it's so fun for you to have a girl!

  2. I miss seeing you, Christian and Vivi! When you get back from Utah, we'll have you over for dinner if you're up for it!

  3. How precious! I STILL cannot get a really good smiling picture of Jared. He is a stinker!!

  4. She has such a sweet smile! I love when they start that. It really is very rewarding after working so hard to take care of them to get something back. I don't know about the pain tolerance thing. Sophie has a high pain tolerance, but Regan has a really low tolerance. Could be just a personality thing too.

  5. Oh my goodness! She is sooo cute! She looks a lot like Christian in the second photo and also a bit like you in the first one! So sweet!
