Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Day 2009

Santa came to our house this year… Christian was so excited that Santa remembered him.  I just love how magical Christmas with a child is.  It really makes me appreciate my own childhood and the work that my parents went to to have Christmas be a magical day for each of us.  Sadly, I don’t have too many pictures because I was busy taking a video the way my parents always did.  When I got older I felt like it was the corniest thing in the world that my parents took a video.  Jared’s parents did it too and we used to talk about how silly we felt as older kids watching and then being in a “line-up” with the youngest first and everyone walking in.  Of course there’s only Christian but we still made him walk down the hall …I’ll spare you and not share the video though now that I’m a parent I can see why they did it.  There is nothing like watching your child’s eyes light up and see the wonder on their faces that someone knows them and what special thing they would want for their very own.  It is kind of symbolic of Heavenly Father giving us so many blessings that He never asks for thanks and He knows us so well that He gets us something that we would like and some things that we need (even if we don’t think we do).


After opening gifts, we went to our friend’s in Mesa for Breakfast.  Here is the uncle with Lydia and Jordyn, Christian and Damean in front of the Christmas Tree.  I love the look on Christian’s face in this picture.  He was so excited to be with his friends.


Afterwards, Sherrada’s in-laws were sweet and invited us to Christmas dinner.  I had tons of fun having girl talk and just enjoying the company of great friends.  The guys enjoyed watching a movie and us girls got a laugh when we noticed the three in a row with their hands almost the same!


1 comment:

  1. I love the look on Christian's face in that first picture! Classic!
