Monday, June 11, 2012

Oh the joy of…

Potty Training!  Yikes!

Warning:  This post contains bathroom references/potty talk so if you are sensitive to these issues, you may want to skip this post.

This summer, Vivian has gotten quite interested in the potty… though not consistently, which is fine except that randomly, she will decide that she needs to go and so then she will walk her independent little self into the bathroom without telling her mother and try to go no. 2 by herself though it is the worse when she has stopped in the middle and decided that she should try sitting on the potty (the weirdest thing is that she doesn’t have much interest in No. 1).  This has led to lots of disaster clean-up moments for me.  Luckily I caught on to this and I have diverted many a disaster.  It’s hard because Christian wants his privacy and so he will run into the bathroom to go and slam the door…Now I have to ask who’s in the bathroom whenever that door closes and it is frustrating to Christian that I won’t give him his privacy but I really would rather this independent soul be attended in the bathroom—at least until she’s three. IMG_3447

I’m thinking that she heard me say one too many times “You know, you wouldn’t get rashes if you went in the toilet” and so that’s probably why she wants to go No.2 and not No. 1.  I bought her some pretty underwear and have bribed her with it to get her to be more consistent (she has to be dry for a couple of days) but when I let her look at it, all she wants to do with it is think of new and exciting fashion statements like the one pictured above.  I’m not pushing the potty training because honestly, diapers are easier in public places than having to rush them to the nearest restroom and then let them hover over a gigantic bowl while waiting for them to relax enough to go.  I would like to get rid of the expense of buying diapers but I’m pretty sure that she will be okay in a couple more months.  If I decide I want her to get potty trained sooner, I may try the potty party book with her (it NEVER worked with her brother who took his dear sweet time to even try going).  Love this girl.  She sure keeps things interesting.

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