Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Kindergarten Talent Show


This is just a cute photo I took of Christian at the kindergarten talent show.   It was just two of the kindergarten classes and the teachers would just switch off with whichever students wanted to show off next.  His teacher’s class was supposed to start off and all of the kids were too scared to go first.  His teacher then called on him and he was happy to jump up and do his talent.  He sang the Peanut Butter and Jelly Song with no fear.  It was really cute and I felt it was appropriate for him since first of all he sings amazingly on key and secondly he ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches almost every day of kindergarten (with the exception of “White day” since he thought a tuna sandwich would be closer to white).  Love my fearless, sweet boy!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Spring Piano Recital May 2012

May was absolutely crazy for me and one of the reasons why is because I held my Spring Piano Recital in May.  One of the reasons we picked the house that we did was because the open floor plan works really well for having a lot of people come over.  I’ve been debating finding another place to hold my recitals though because it takes a lot of preparation to get my home ready for that much company as well as all the other little things I do for the recital. I had 13 students perform for the recital this time there is not a photo of all of them.  I just thought I’d add a few to give you a taste of what it was like.


Afterwards, we had refreshments with a veggie and fruit tray and a few cookies and brownies.  With all the canning I’ve been doing lately, all my students have wondered at my many bottles of preserves lined up on the table after I’ve canned, so I thought it would be fun to share a few flavors.  So Jared and I made Lion House Rolls in the shape of treble and bass clefs and put out pineapple mango, plum and strawberry pineapple jam.  I think the shape of the rolls was the biggest hit with the kids and the homemade jam the biggest hit with the adults.IMG_3324

We had a great recital this year.  I’m sad that it seemed to be over so soon after all of the preparation that went into  it.  I will just have to add something to make it a little longer next season.  Any suggestions?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Temple Topper

We have been so excited to have the temple being built closer to home.  I noticed that it looked like the exterior was almost finished and then one day I heard through the grapevine that the Captain Moroni statue (that represents declaring the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world) would be placed on the temple that day at 2 pm.  So, I decided that watching a statue top the temple was a once in a lifetime opportunity so I pulled Christian out of School and we drove to the temple site.  We had to park at the nearby church (which looked closer than it actually was).  Then we hiked as close as we dared to the temple and watched them put up the statue.  It was amazing to see how a crane could do such a thing.  There was a helicopter that flew around observing the entire process and probably radioing to the crane to give instructions since the whole process was pretty slow.  I’m glad we went even though it was pretty hot and crowded.  The kids were so excited and the air just buzzed with excitement.  I am on pins and needles for when this temple will be finished!


Looking precarious on the crane.


Getting into position…


Ready to lower…


Descending into positon…


Helicopter is checking placement…


Getting closer…


Spinning into position (Ready to face east).IMG_3164IMG_3180

Lowering down…


It’s in place (and a little fuzzy).


The kids are thrilled about Moroni on top of the Temple! Now whenever we pass the temple, Vivian tells me all about watching Moroni going on top.  It’s so cute to me that it made that big of an impression.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother’s Day 2012

Mother’s Day was a good.  This year especially, I felt so blessed to have the beautiful children that I have.  They both made me cards with a little supervision from their daddy (at least on Vivian’s part).  I was delighted to see Christian’s card with our whole family on the cover.IMG_2943IMG_2950

I also was delighted with the great gifts that I had previously picked out for myself and had been waiting to unwrap for about a month. Winking smile I’ve learned over the years that mother’s day is just not a day that my husband thinks about…I think it has more to do with the fact that it’s usually the same week as his Birthday so he’s just not thinking about it as we are working on other plans.


I’m so grateful to be the mother of two beautiful children.  I am truly blessed.

Pre-Mother’s Day 2012

This past week has been pretty rough.  I had a sweet friend lose a baby before it was full-term and ended up doing some things to help her with the graveside service.  It’s been very emotional and trying.  I’m not even the one who’s gone through all of the heart-break but I’ve had a very difficult time holding it together.  I made the baby a little gown to be buried in and used Vivian’s little nine-inch doll that my grandma had given Christian because it was the perfect size.  Vivian was not very happy I had the doll and I kept trying to explain that I needed it.  When I told her I was making it for a little baby who was now an angel because the baby died she kept saying “baby died” all day.  I feel like I was kind of a bad mommy because I wasn’t playing with Vivian as much but she was the sweetest little angel for me and just sat at the little table behind me and colored the whole time I was working on the dress after I explained things.  That night Vivian peeked her head into the door while I was taking a shower and said “Mommy, the baby with Jesus”.  I was really shocked and touched that she would make that connection.  I had said he was an angel but didn’t go through much detail.  I asked Jared if he said anything to her but he said it hadn’t.  She just knows. 

Once I finished the dress Friday morning, I had to race Vivian to be with my friend Julie and I ran to the school to help volunteer for Field day.  It was really fun and the heat didn’t really bother me.  I think it’s cute and kind of funny that Christian was one of the only boys who didn’t take his shirt off with all the water games.  He has a real modest streak.  I spent most of the time taking kids to the bathroom and the nurse one of the times (one girl was playing with her tooth the whole time and it finally fell out so I got the honor of taking her to the nurse).

After the kids were finished up with field day, we all got changed and then I had to wait outside the classroom for the mother’s day tea.  It was so cute.  When all the moms came into the class, we were greeted by a “Welcome Queen Mother” and our child “crowned” us with a pink crown.  Then the children sang their little hearts out for us.  I love how Christian looks in this.  He was very into the actions. (By the way, notice the cute “queens” on the background paper?  Each child made one of their mother…you can’t see me, but I have a triangle nose with nostrils…interesting at least I’m the only mother who can breath without using her mouth.)Kindergarten Mother's day tea

After the songs, the teacher read us the story “I’ll Love You Forever” which always makes me cry.  And then after that the kids presented us with a cute little notepad they drew the cover of, a bookmark with their picture and the saying “Motherhood: Nothing else ever will make you as happy or sad as proud or as tired for nothing is quite as hard as helping a person develop his own individuality especially while you struggle to keep your own.”  I also got a book about Me by Christian with illustrations my favorite line is “Q. What does your mom like to do? A. My mom likes to sleep.”  I guess he’s been listening somewhat when he wakes me up early in the morning.  The last thing he gave me was a list of the top ten reasons he loves me.  My favorite reason is number 3 “I know my Mom is smart because she learns from me.”  Then the teacher invited the children to come up and serve their moms cake and tea or water.  It was such a sweet little party.  I really love Christian’s teacher she really makes things special for these kids and for the parents too.  I am so grateful that I have such a sweet little boy to be mine.  He really is the best boy in all the world.  I’m so lucky to be his mom.

Saturday was the service for my friend’s baby and I played the violin for it.  I think that was one of the most difficult times I’ve ever played in my whole life. I’ve never actually felt that “choked-up” with the feeling that I was literally choking.  I honestly felt like I couldn’t breathe for some of the service.  It was a miracle that I made it through and played as well as I did.  I am so so sad for my friend.  When we were talking on Friday she said “This is the sorrow of all sorrows.”  I truly believe her.  I can’t imagine holding a baby that will never grow up and say funny things.  It’s so heart-breaking. 

Later in the afternoon, we all went and got haircuts.  Christian’s hair is so thick that I had them take off a lot.  Jared freaked out when he saw how short I had her go but I think it’s cute and it will be back before you know it.  Then we stopped at the park and I bribed the kids to pose for photos so they could play on the playground.

Here are some (okay a lot) of photos of my two darlings on the day before mother’s day.


I am so grateful that I have these two sweet spirits to be my children.  I can’t express how honored I feel that Heavenly Father would loan these little ones to me.  I just hope with all my blundering around as a mom, I won’t ruin them too much as they grow up.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Kindergarten Field Trip to the Natural History Museum

I was excited when Christian’s teacher asked me if I wanted to join them for their Field Trip to the Natural History Museum on Wednesday because #1 I’d never gone there #2 I love being with my boy at school #3 I especially love being with my boy at fun new places and #4 let’s face it, I’m crazy and I don’t mind being with a bunch of kindergarteners…that is until the sound is bouncing off of the walls of a very narrow bus.  The bus ride was a little scary.  I offered to drive and meet them, but Christian’s teach specifically wanted me to ride on the bus.  *sigh*  I survived though.  The cutest thing was that my own little boy and the kids he ended up sitting with each time would sing songs the whole ride.  It was kind of touching to me; that’s probably what I would have been doing too.  Here’s a photo of Christian on the bus (he didn’t want to sit by me because he had an opportunity to sit by his favorite girl *eye roll*).IMG_2832

Here’s my darling group of six kids.  I was the luckiest parent there because I got the group of the most well-behaved kids.  I’m not sure if this is because Mrs. V thought I couldn’t handle the crazier ones, or if because these kids are all in the same reading group she wanted them together, or that she wants me to keep wanting to help out that she gave me the best group.  I’m happy that these are the ones I got.  The other parents just got four kids each and they seemed to be really done by the time it was over.IMG_2834

Of course the sassiest kid is my own in this picture.  They are so cute in this one waiting outside the museum.

Here are the kids posing under pterodactyl model.  I love that it’s flying, I wish it was a little brighter in the room though. IMG_2836The kids were acting so excited that this woman was taking photos for a brochure for the museum asked if she could take their photos for the brochure. The other kids we let her take their picture from behind looking at the models and because another little girl in my groups mom showed up, we both gave permission for our kids’ picture to be in it too.  Then the lady wanted a photo of us.  She sent me the photos she took so I thought I’d show you.

Christian and Maya looking at some small dinosaur models for the brochure…Heather 2

Maya’s mom and I.  I look like I’m melting.Heather

Here’s a photo of the kids putting together these neat puzzles of the different bones.IMG_2837

They had a petrified hollowed log and of course Christian went through it.  I think I would have been petrified.  Oink.IMG_2838They had this movie screen thing with a camera so the kids would show up in front of an old western movie.  Mrs. V commented that you could really see the personalities of the kids when they did this.  That makes me wonder about Christian because he looks so serious and thoughtful in this.  He usually is so playful.IMG_2843

Here, the kids are panning for gold specks.  It honestly was ridiculous so this was not my favorite part of the trip.  The Mormon Battalion Museum in San Diego’s panning for gold is way more fun because there chunks of iron pyrite are not the same size as sand…they’re more like little nuggets. IMG_2851

Christian’s class…IMG_2857

It’s a pretty dark photo, but that’s how it was in there.  I wish this turned out better.

After the museum, we stopped by the park and the kids had lunch.  I had such a fun time with these cute good kids…. this photo cracks me up because if you look carefully you can guess what Christian thinks of this cute little girl next to him.IMG_2862

I’m so glad I could go and spend a day with my little guy and that my sweet friend Bernadette was kind enough to watch my little girl so that I could be with my boy.  Thanks Bernadette!