Monday, February 6, 2012

First week of February

This February, I added a few more students to my teaching schedule therefore capping out at 15 students (not including Christian).  Three of which are Violin students and the rest are piano students. 

On February 3, Christian’s school had science night.  The Science center came down and demonstrated this invention of a hover-craft made out of a leaf-blower that they let the kids ride on.  There were a half-dozen science activities that the various grades had for the kids to do besides looking at experiment boards that the kids had on display in the night

That next Sunday, Christian and Vivian were fooling around in the hall and apparently, Jared took some pictures of them while I got ready (I just found these today).  They are so funny at posing…


That evening we made Christian’s poster for being “Star of the Week” (don’t worry, he’s last name is not really smeared in the real photo).

Christian with his sign and sisterChristian's sign

The heart is to symbolize that he was almost a Valentine’s baby and the stuff on it is macaroni which is his favorite food.  We had a lot of fun looking through our photos to pick out his favorites to put on the board.  I must say, Christian LOVES photos of himself with his baby sister…he had picked out about three times the amount we have shown here but they wouldn’t fit.  He told me we were going to have to make this board the night before and luckily at Christmas time I saw this poster board of his favorite green and decided to pick it up “just in case” because these things always seem to creep up on moms.  I am glad I did that!